
法律资料库 Legal Resources

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Global Free and Open Source Related Judicial Cases



This is the collection of 81 free and open source-related and CC-related cases decided in various jurisdictions, including 14 decided in China, 19 decided in the United States, 2 decided by EU-level courts, 31 decided in Germany, 3 decided in France, 6 decided in Spain, 6 decided in other countries. This module is continuously updated. You can refer to the links below to obtain a brief introduction about these cases. 




  1. ifrOSS对德国、法国等欧盟地区案例的整理,请见ifrOSS网站
  2. 书籍:《开源规则:案例、许可证及开源组织》(张平主编、徐美玲执行主编——北京:知识产权出版社,2022.11 ISBN 978-7-5130-8376-8)
  3. 书籍:《商业开源:开源软件许可适用指南(第三版)》(Heather Meeker著;刘伟译. —— 北京:人民邮电出版社,2023.5 ISBN 978-7-115-60171-1) 。

This page will not be updated regularly, you can refer to our repo at AtomGit for the latest information.  We appreciate any suggestions you may have!

The collection of cases mentioned above references:

  1. ifrOSS's colleciton of cases in Germany, France and other countries in European Union (see ifrOSS website);
  2. Book: The Open Source Rule: Cases, Licenses, and Open Source Organizations (Ping Zhang, Ed., and Meiling Xu, Executive Ed. - Beijing: Intellectual Property Publishing House, 2022.11 ISBN 978-7-5130-8376-8);
  3. Book: Open Source for Business: A Practical Guide to Open Source Software Licensing -- Third Edition (Heather Meeker; Translated by Liu Wei. --Beijing: Posts and Telecommunications Press, 2023.5 ISBN 978-7-115-60171-1).


The above case collection is prepared by the OpenAtom Foundation. We are intended to share legal resources related to the open source industry. We only provide link to those publicly available contents. However, the website registration may be required for accessing some of the cases. This collection itself does not represent suggestions or the official opinions of the OpenAtom Foundation.




Global Free and Open Source Related Laws and Policies


This is the collection of 27 free and open source-related laws and policies in various jurisdictions, including 8 in China, 9 in the United States, 8 at the EU-level, 1 in Switzerland,and 1 in Japan. This module is continuously updated. You can refer to the links below to obtain a brief introduction about these laws and policies.