
“源译识”公益翻译 Contransus Translation Project

2024-08-15 09:47:05 发布372 浏览 · 2 点赞 · 1 收藏


The “Contransus” Translation Project, initiated by OpenAtom Foundation, aims to “build open source consensus through collective translation”. Taken Free and Open Source (FOSS) Licenses as the main thread, this community is launched to promote a better understanding of open source by offering professionally-reviewed, publicly available and community-oriented translations of various open source resources, primarily into Chinese. The community focuses on not only the translation of FOSS licenses, but also of books, decisions, key reports, etc. You are warmly welcome to participate in our project by using approved translations, filing your translation, sharing your opinion on any translation texts, as well as recommending useful resources and experts in the open source domain.

如无特别说明,翻译内容以CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0授权您使用。您可在总仓库中获取源译识项目出品的全部译文,也欢迎您订阅translation@openatom.io邮件列表跟踪本社区最新进展!

Unless otherwise specified, the translation content is licensed for your use under CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0. Welcome to join us at main repository, or subscribe to the mailing list to keep track of the latest releases! 

开源许可证翻译  Translations of FOSS Licenses


The FOSS license section is open to community for contributions and discussions. Aiming to provide a permanent and reliable Chinese translation of FOSS license that is accessible to everyone, we established a Review Panel of experts in regard to both open source and languages. The panel has been working collaboratively in reviewing and revising candidate translation texts line by line to develop a finalized version of translation. To contribute and read translations of licenses, please visit the License-Translation Repository.


Currently, we have reviewed the following license translations and made them publicly available:

  • 【英译中】MIT许可证 / MIT License
  • 【英译中】BSD-3-clause许可证 / BSD-3-clause License
  • 【英译中】Apache-2.0许可证 / Apache License v2.0
  • 【英译中】GPL-3.0许可证 / GPL License v3.0 
  • 【英译中】AGPL-3.0许可证 / AGPL License v3.0 
  • 【英译中】LGPL-3.0许可证 / LGPL License v3.0 

书籍翻译  Translations of Books


The book section primarily focuses on classic, practical, useful and authoritative books regarding open source, especially the open-source legal theory and intellectual property licenses.


 Currently, we have published the following book translation(s):

  • 【英译中】《商业开源——开源软件许可实用指南(第三版)》/ Open (Source) for Business: A Practical Guide to Open Source Software Licensing (Third Edition)

该书由基金会资深法律顾问刘伟律师翻译,并由人民邮电出版社出版。该书电子版依据CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0公开发布。

This book was translated by Vera Wei LIU, a senior legal counsel of the Foundation, and published by Posts and Telecom Press. The electronic version of this translated book is also openly available under the CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 license.

域内外司法案例翻译  Translations of Decisions


The FOSS-related judicial decision section tracks highlighted and recent cases in global community. We invite expert translators to prepare translations of court judgments, conduct reviews, and engage expert evaluations. The resulting reference translations are made publicly available to facilitate comparative analyses and in-depth discussions of FOSS-related judicial perspectives across different jurisdictions. To contribute and read translations of judgments, please visit the Decision-Translation Repository.


Currently, we have published the following judgment translations

  • 【法译中】Entr’ouvert v. Orange案一审判决、上诉判决、最高法再审判决、重审判决(2024)
  • 【英译中】SFC v. Vizio, Inc. et al, No. 8:2021cv01943 - Document 30 (C.D. Cal. 2022); Judge’s ruling denying Vizio’s Motion for Summary Judgement, 30-2021-01226723-CU-BC-CJC (2023)
  • 【CN to EN】Copyright Infringement Dispute, Wangjing v. Yibang, et al., Second Instance Judgment (2023)
  • 【英译中】Neo4j, Inc. v. PureThink, LLC案,初审判决(2021) & 上诉判决(2022)
  • 【英译中】Elasticsearch与Amazon商标侵权及虚假宣传案件起诉状、答辩状、和解裁决 (2021)
  • 【CN to EN】Copyright Infringement Dispute, Luohe v. Wanyou, et al., First Instance Judgment (2021)
  • 【英译中】Google LLC v. Oracle America, Inc., 141 S. Ct. 1183, 209 L. Ed. 2d 311 (2021)
  • 【德译中】OLG Karlsruhe, Urteil vom 27.01.2021 - 6 U 60/20 (2021)
  • 【德译中】OLG Frankfurt, Urteil v. 22.10.2019, Az. 11 U 95/18 (2019)
  • 【英译中】SCO Group, Inc. v. International Business Machines Corp.案,上诉判决 (2018)
  • 【英译中】XimpleWare, Inc. v. Versata Software, Inc. et al 案,一审判决(2014)
  • 【法译中】Lichôdmapwa v. L’asbl Festival de Théâtre de Spa, Le Tribunal de Première Instance de Nivelles (2010)
  • 【荷译中】Curry v. Audax, Rechtbank Amsterdam, 2006-03-09, Case No. 334492 / KG 06-176 SR. (9 March 2006)
  • 【西译中】Juzgado de Primera Instancia Número Seis de Badajoz, España. Sociedad General de Autores y Editores v. Ricardo Andres Utrera Fernández, Sentencia nº 15/2006, 2006-02-17

重点报告翻译  Translation of Key Reports


The FOSS-related key reports section primarily involves research reports, white-papers, and other relevant materials officially released by open source organizations. To contribute and read translations of key reports, please visit the Report-Translation Repository.


Currently, we have published the following report translations:

  • 【英译中】《OSPO的商业价值—探究组织创建、维护和发展开源办公室(OSPO)的动机》 / The Business Value of the OSPO——An Exploration of Why Organizations Create, Sustain, and Expand Open Source Program Offices (OSPOs)
  • 【英译中】《OSPO——数字化政府的新工具》/ The OSPO——A New Tool for Digital Government
  • 【英译中】《2023年技术人才状况报告》/ 2023 State of Tech Talent Report
  • 【英译中】《2023年开源生成式人工智能调查报告》/ 2023 Open Source Generative AI Survey Report

外联板块  Outreach


The Outreach section aims to publish the finalised versions co-recognized by the external FOSS entities or communities and Contransus community. To contribute and read translations of key reports, please visit the Outreach Repository.


Currently, we have published the following outreach translations:

  • 【英译中】《ASF贡献者许可协议的常见问题》/ ASF 3RD PARTY LICENSE POLICY
  • 【英译中】《ASF第三方开源组件许可证政策》/ ASF CLA FAQ 



Please Scan the QR code to See the Details of “Contransus” Project and the Full Releases of Translations:


非常感谢如下参与翻译、评审、评述的贡献者(按参与顺序倒序):冯欢、陶冶、舒静怡、Till Jaeger、邱何祎、曹云菲、周丹丹、邓雨亭、张伟、郭皓、李少辉、王岩广、温馨、孟宇光、柳丽英、王嘉树、荆雯、邹良城、李维朝、Carlo Piana、吕琳华、胡俊宏、刘海虹、方晓、李建盛(适兕)、梁婷婷、王铭典、王林、张康杰、杨程舒、窦晓博、赵海玲、李欣博、申文奇、陈文、符芬菊、金思含、薛杨洁、欧轩琦、刘博雅、张苏兵、徐美玲、宋雷、沈芬、卫sir、周明辉、张平、Sikkim、赵振华、曹阳、野行僧郭晧、吴瑞、王荷舒、况雨燕、唐悦、郭雪雯、刘伟。

With thanks to Huan FENG, Ye TAO, Jingyi SHU, Till Jaeger, Eva QIU, Yufy CAO, Dandan ZHOU, Yuting DENG, Wei ZHANG, Hao GUO, Shaohui LI, Roger WANG, Xin WEN, Yuguang MENG, Liying LIU, Jiashu WANG, Wen JING, Liangcheng ZOU, Weichao LI, Carlo Piana, Linhua LU, Giulia HU, Haihong LIU, Xiao FANG, Jiansheng LI (Kuo Si), Tingting LIANG, Mingdian WANG, Lin WANG, Kangjie ZHANG, Chengshu YANG, Xiaobo DOU, HAiling ZHAO, Xinbo LI, Wenqi SHEN, Fenju FU, Leo JIN, Hazel XUE, Xuanqi OU, Boya LIU, Sara ZHANG, Meiling XU, Lei SONG, Navia Fen SHEN, Sir WEI, Minghui ZHOU, Ping ZHANG, Sikkim, Zhenhua ZHAO, Yang CAO, Hao GUO(野行僧), Rui WU, Lotus WANG, Yuyan KUANG, Amy TANG, Vanessa GUO and Vera LIU for their contributions!


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