
源译识【域外案例】 | 译文分享:XimpleWare诉Versata Software等一审判决

2023-08-17 18:00:35 发布42 浏览 · 0 点赞 · 0 收藏

【编者按】 本案中,被告Versata在其DCM软件中使用了原告XimpleWare根据GPLv2.0开源的XML软件中的部分代码,并将DCM软件销售给其客户Ameriprise等公司(下称“Versata客户被告”)使用。XimpleWare基于其拥有的与XML软件相关的三项专利,向法院提出的诉讼主张之一是Versata客户被告使用DCM软件的行为构成专利直接侵权。在解决此争议点时法院指出,在Versata客户被告遵守GPLv2.0条款的前提下,GPLv2.0明确允许其对XML源代码进行纯粹的使用;即使上游分发方Versata违反许可证条款,在Versata客户被告本身不违反GPLv2.0的情况下,其使用行为不会受到限制。若要指控Versata客户被告构成专利直接侵权,必须证明Versata客户被告在违反GPLv2.0条款的情况下进行了分发。但由于XimpleWare无法举证证明Versata客户被告存在分发DCM软件(其中包含XML代码)的行为,法院驳回了XimpleWare该诉讼主张。从法院的论述中可看出,单纯的“使用”行为并不触发GPLv2.0的条件,“分发”行为才是GPLv2.0条件的触发器。






司法案例翻译/英译中-XimpleWare v. Versata Software et al 一审 2014.pdf · master · Contransus · AtomGit




The Customer Defendants each move to dismiss XimpleWare's claims of direct infringement on the basis that XimpleWare has failed to plead facts showing distribution of the DCM software by any Customer Defendant.


In dismissing XimpleWare's claims for direct infringement against the Customer Defendants in the FAC, the court held that regardless of the actions of the Versata Defendants, under the GPL the Customer Defendants each "retain the right to use XimpleWare's software so long as the customer does not itself breach the license by 'distributing' XimpleWare's software." Unchanged in the SAC is XimpleWare's allegation that the Customer Defendants "infringe and continue to willfully infringe the Patents by using the infringing Versata products." As use is expressly permitted under the GPL, the court's conclusion on this point is likewise unchanged: the SAC fails to state a claim for direct infringement against the Customer Defendants based on their use of XimpleWare's code included in the DCM software.


While use is unrestricted under the GPL, distribution is not. The GPL permits distribution only if the distributing party satisfies several specific conditions, including among other things including copy of the GPL along with the distributed program. The court previously held that XimpleWare had adequately alleged the Customer Defendants failed to satisfy the conditions for distribution of XimpleWare's software. Accordingly, the "only real issue to resolve" was "whether XimpleWare has sufficiently alleged that its software was 'distributed' by the customers when they shared the software with their independent contractors, franchisees, and producers." The court further held that XimpleWare had not, and dismissed its claims against the Customer Defendants. However, the court granted XimpleWare leave to amend to cure this defect.



翻译: 薛杨洁

审校: 刘伟、郭雪雯




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